Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Introducing Teen k

    We have learned to laugh at the mistakes we make instead of cry about them. My oldest daughter is adventurous and full of confidence. She "dares to be different". She had really long pretty hair all the way up to about the 7th grade. At that time she started insisting on combing her own hair. By high school Teen K ventured into the desire to color. Since then she has had blond, red, dark brown, and every other color you can imagine then has went back and did it all over again. Let me also mention we permed it..(shame, I am hanging my head down at this point).
    Now, don't get me wrong, the styles were cute when they were done and she has an amazing ability to style her hair really nice and doesn't mind taking a huge amount of time doing so. I assume like most 16yr olds. Anyway, here we are now. She started off having one side of her head shaved, then advanced to having both sides shaved off, colored a pinkish red, decided she didn't like it and I (shame again) colored it back dark brown for her. Well, now it is so fried and brittle as you can imagine. She is bold enough to want to do the "big chop" for 2012 and plans on growing a whole new head of hair. So, until then I may post a tried product or two but, otherwise I will research on how to maintain as it grows back with of course no color and no heat.
This is her natural after being washed and conditioned. If there are any suggestions to what we can do to save it without doing the chop I greatly welcome them!

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